A-DAPT Changelog



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A-DAPT Changelog

A-DAPT Released: 17/7/24

New Features

  • In/Out Markers
    The player now retains In/Out markers.


    • Timecode Display
      You can display frame timecode. This time code can be either parsed by A-DAPT or user entered.
    A-DAPT A



    • T-Frame Identification

      Some codec stores video in chunks: visual and timing. Each timing data chunk contains a timecode and a reference to frame visual data chunk. Together they form a presentation frame during playback. A-DAPT will report both timecode and video frame for this type of implementation to align with the native format.

    A-DAPT B


    • FFprobe frame analysis vs A-DAPT frame analysis
    A-DAPT C


    • Rewrap with Audio
      When re-wrapping video containing unsupported audio, A-DAPT will auto transcode the audio stream so that it would satisfy the container constraint.
    • Transcode with Audio Sync
      When transcoding variable rate video containing audio, A-DAPT will auto adjust the timing of both streams to assure synchronization.


    A-DAPT Released: 9/7/24

    Bug Fixes

    • Clear Annotations
      When clearing multiple annotations, thumbnails were not being refreshed. Fixed
    • Paste Annotations
    • Duplicate annotations were being paste. Fixed
    • Paste Frame Image
      Annotation was allowing pasting of the frame images. Fixed

    New Features

    • Vidsec LLC Parser
      Added the ability to parse WVA formats. Current implementation parses the duration date and time data. Next release will parse entire format and will include presentation frame records rather than storage frame records which would align with the implementation of its native player.
      A-DAPT - - image A
    • Dahua/Lorex Parser
      A-DAPT now parse all time code data for this format. Parsed time code will be leveraged in determining real FPS when header failed to report the FPS. Parsed time code will be logged in the frame’s time_code column for which you can include as a metadata with all exports.
      A-DAPT - - image B
    • Parsed time code for the associated frame
      A-DAPT - - image C
    • Annotation Clipboard
      Annotation Editor will now display clipboard content so you know what is available to paste over multiple frames.
    • Clipboard status
      A-DAPT - - image D
    A-DAPT Released: 3/7/24

    Bug Fixes

    • 25 FPS
      A bug was introduced causing all videos to be detected as 25 FPS. Fixed

    New Features

    • Lorex/Dahua Proprietary File
      A-DAPT now identifies Lorex/Dahua video files.