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Academic Licenses

from Magnet Axiom


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The best way to train tomorrow’s digital forensic examiners is to use technology that gives them the scientific foundation they need to find truth.

Magnet Forensics’ Academic License Program is designed for qualified colleges, universities, and high schools. With Magnet AXIOM, students learn about the basics of digital forensics including:

  • Digital forensic artifacts and how to locate them within any given system.
  • Different sources of evidence, such as mobile devices, the Cloud, hard drives, system memory, and other locations; and how to acquire data from each.
  • How to use their knowledge to tackle new challenges in the digital forensics field.
The Magnet Forensics Academic License includes over 76GB of material:
  • 30-Seat AXIOM Network License* – Intended for class/lab use
  • One AXIOM Complete dongle (instructor use) -Intended for course development only
  • Three Case Files for lecture cases, testing and a semester project
  • Question pools prepopulated for ingestion into standard academic testing programs
  • Qualification to sit for the MCFE certification**
  • Student and Instructor Academic Curriculum Manuals (over 400 pages)
  • One AXIOM Examinations training seat voucher – for instructor use only

* If you require more than 30 seats, you must purchase an additional bundle. **If professor renders roster to Magnet Forensics to keep track of eligible students.

Eligibility for Participation:

  • 501 (c)(3) status or equal status with national government rules
  • Conferring a 2-or 4-year degree, and accredited to do so through nationally recognized, credible system (at Magnet Forensics’ discretion)
  • Not part of any national, state, or local government entity such as military or police academies
  • Managed by a board of trustees

Want to know
more about
Academic Licenses?

If you have any questions about academic licenses, eligibility or prices, please drop us a line with the form on this page and we’ll be in touch soon.

If your enquiry is more urgent or you would like to talk through your requirements,
why not give us a call on 01234 964 774

Want to know more about Academic Licenses? Get in contact today

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