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DV200 Digital Video Investigations

Digital Video Investigations with Magnet WITNESS (DV200) is a 3 day beginner-level course, designed for participants who are not yet familiar with the concepts of the recovery and analysis of digital video files from commercially available digital video recorders.


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There are now specific Witness and DVR Examiner courses available, please contact us if you are looking for the DVR Examiner specific course.

After completing the three-day course, participants will have the knowledge and skills to analyse video from various sources using Magnet Witness, as well as gain a basic understanding of how digital video is created.

Students will learn the various ways to extract video evidence from DVR hard drives and load it into Witness for review along with how to use Witness to provide video files and reports to others for case work.

Course Prerequisites


On Successful Completion

Successful completion of this course is a prerequisite to the Magnet Certified Video Examiner – Self-Paced Exam.

Additional Information

Course Length: 3 consecutive days, 8 hours each day
Who Should Attend: Participants who are unfamiliar with the principles of digital video analysis and the use of WITNESS
Advanced Preparation: None
Program Level: Beginner-level
Field of Study: Computer Software & Applications
Delivery Method: Group Internet Based & Group Live

Course objectives

MODULE 1: Course introduction

  • Learning objectives and course scenario will be presented along with expected outcomes over the course’s three days.
  • Students will be presented with an overview of what to expect from each module.

MODULE 2: Software installation

  • Students will install and license Magnet Witness and walk through the basic software settings.
  • Students will learn the importance of using different video players when reviewing video and install several open-source video players.

MODULE 3: Fundamentals of digital imagery

  • This module will focus on how digital pictures are created.
  • The methods of capturing, transmitting, storing, and viewing digital image data will be discussed.
  • Students will learn the implications of different resolution settings and how IR video affects image color.

MODULE 4:  Understanding codecs in digital video

  • Building on the previously shared fundamentals, this module will focus on digital video, with various attributes being explained and demonstrated using Magnet Witness.
  • In addition to understanding the attributes of digital videos, students will understand the impact each has on the overall video quality.
  • Students will be introduced to the methods of compression and codecs in digital videos and gain an understanding of how they affect video quality.

MODULE 5: Anatomy of a DVR

  • This module covers DVR system types and their components.
  • Students will be able to distinguish and explain the difference between the different types of video recording devices.

MODULE 6: Scene response

  • This module will discuss best practices for research prior to responding to a DVR scene and considerations while on scene.
  • What to document from a DVR’s interface and different methods of documentation will be discussed.
  • Students will learn how to create a forensic image of a hard drive from a DVR and will also be introduced to other types of video evidence sources.

MODULE 7: Magnet Witness case creation

  • This module walks students through how to create a case in Witness and the various menu options.
  • Different evidence sources will be discussed.
  • Students will demonstrate how to create a case and add evidence to WITNESS through student exercises.

MODULE 8: Reviewing video in Magnet Witness

  • This module will build on the process from the previous module and will walk students through using Witness to view the video content.
  • Students will use the various functions within Witness to analyze videos, tag videos, and mark them for export.

MODULE 9: Exporting and reporting

  • This module will walk students through exporting video data and reporting information from Witness.
  • Students will demonstrate how to export videos and create reports.
  • The difference between a multimedia container and a video stream will be discussed.

MODULE 10: Working with extracted videos

  • This module will serve as a discussion about the various considerations when doing any post-export enhancements to videos.

MODULE 11: Visualizing basic video enhancements

  • In this module, students will be introduced to an open-source non-linear editor.
  • Students will use the histogram function within KDEN Live to visualize common adjustments that can be made to make video more viewable.

Enquire About This Course

If this training course is of interest to you, you would like to know more or book places, please complete your details below ensuring that you inform us of the dates you are interested in.

Once we receive your enquiry we will contact you to discuss your training requirements to ensure that this course is right for your needs.

DV200 Digital Video Investigations Enquiry

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